First stop – Planning permit

Below is the process that RFT Solutions follows for most house extensions/renovations/new homes that require a planning permit.

At the commencement of the building project we will record the project’s scope of work and budget for you to confirm. The scope of work and budget provides a starting point from which we produce the first concept design.

The concept design concentrates on room types, sizes & locations, plus setbacks and location of doors & windows. We continue to produce concept designs until we obtain your approval before we proceed with the planning documentation.

Early in the concept design stage we organise a soil or foundation test and a land survey for information regarding neighbouring buildings, heights and setbacks and other information required by council planners and RFT Solutions. We also obtain the title and copy plan and property sewer information.

Once the concept design has been approved we commence the town planning drawings. This stage focuses elevations, roof design, heights, and neighbouring houses locating their private open space and habitable room windows and a design response report for council.

After approval of our planning application, RFT Solutions commences the working drawings.

We note further details on the drawings for the building surveyor and builders and complete a Specification sheet listing fixtures/finishes that you want. While completing the working drawings we obtain quotes from structural engineers and building surveyors. Once complete we send the working drawings to the structural engineer.

Once the working drawings and engineering are completed we send them to the building surveyor. Once the building surveyor has reviewed the documentation they will issue an assessment listing matters that require further attention. RFT Solutions will work with the relevant consultants to assist in supplying the matters listed in the building surveyor’s assessment.

Your House Extension Specialists

If you're building a new home, house extension or renovation, RFT Solutions offer peace of mind. Our goal is to save you time, money and achieve a result you love.

The documentation produced will be put out to tender to a minimum of three (3) builders who have experience relevant to your project.

If the builders quotes do not offer a fair market price further quotes will be sought until you are satisfied that the best value and quality has been achieved. The BS will issue a building permit once a builder is selected and insurance is issued.